Campus Langues offers 9 levels of English courses, following the Common European Framework defined by the CECR. 

We divided each level into sub-levels that allows you to study in a homogenous group, tailored to your needs.

To move from a level to another depends on you, on how much personal work you put in and to what extent you use French on a daily basis.
The length of the ability levels is variable. The higher the level, the longer it is.

The 5 levels are defined by the CECR as following: 


Comment CAMPUS LANGUES évalue votre niveau en anglais ?

Vous souhaitez connaître votre niveau d’anglais afin de savoir quel programme de cours suivre ? Chez CAMPUS LANGUES, à Paris dans le 19e ou à Boulogne-Billancourt, nous avons tout prévu.
Pour commencer, faites notre test d’anglais en ligne. Cela ne prend que quelques minutes. Le test se déroule en 3 étapes :

  1. Une auto évaluation concernant la maîtrise des bases de l’anglais. Si vous n’en avez aucune, car vous êtes grand débutant, vous n’avez pas à passer le test.
  2. Suite à vos réponses, vous accédez au test à proprement parler comprenant des questions de grammaire, lexique, compréhension écrite et expression écrite. Il est possible qu’on vous propose plusieurs questionnaires, de difficulté croissante, afin d’affiner votre évaluation.
  3. À la fin du test, on vous invite à laisser vos coordonnées. Vous recevez immédiatement vos résultats avec votre niveau européen d’anglais et la correction de vos erreurs.

Vous pouvez alors vous inscrire à l’un de nos cours ou prendre contact avec l’un de nos conseillers pédagogiques pour de plus amples informations.

Quels sont les différents niveaux de langue européens ?


Les niveaux linguistiques sont définis de la manière suivante par le CECR :

 Level A1: Basic user (introductory or discovery level) 

  • Understand and use familiar and everyday expressions and very simple statements that aim to meet concrete needs
  • Knowing how to introduce yourself or someone
  • To be able to ask questions about a person and answer the same type of questions
  • Communicate in a simple way if the person speaks slowly and clearly and is cooperative

 Level A2: Basic user (intermediate or usual level)

  • Understand isolated phrases and phrases frequently used in relation to areas of the everyday environment (e.g. simple personal and family information, purchases, work, etc.)
  • To be able to communicate during simple and usual tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and usual subjects
  • Know how to describe with simple means his training, his immediate environment and to raise topics that correspond to immediate needs

Level B1: Independent user (threshold level)

  •  Understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Be autonomous in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken
  • To be able to produce a simple and coherent discourse on familiar subjects and in its fields of interest
  • Know how to tell an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly explain or explain a project or idea

Level B2: Independent user (advanced or independent level)

  • Understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its specialty
  • Communicate spontaneously and easily with a native speaker
  • To express clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, to express an opinion on a topical subject and to explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

Level C1: Experienced user (standalone)

  • Understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings
  • To express himself spontaneously and fluently without having to search his words too much
  • Use language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life
  • To express oneself on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured way and to demonstrate its control of the linguistic tools of organization, articulation and cohesion of the discourse